” I am grateful for…” sound a bit too optimistic or like a third grade homework assignment? I get it, and, I want to challenge you to try it anyways. Studies show that gratitude can help challenge negative thoughts and increase positive outlook in life. Worth a shot, right?
Key is, try it for a few weeks, see if you can create a habit. Habits generally take about 21 days to create for most people. I have a PDF of a gratitude journal in my resources section on my website that you can use to remind yourself daily to spend a few minutes thinking about something you are grateful. If the same thing comes to mind; challenge yourself to dig a little deeper each day. For example, if you immediately think, I am grateful for my child. That’s wonderful and, this exercise is to increase your positive outlook and thoughts, so lets expand on that. What about your child are you grateful for, what about yourself are you grateful for, what about your environment are you grateful for?
The goal is to help create new neural pathways in the brain ( yes, that is possible!) that help positive thoughts become more automatic. This is part of the wonderful process of neuroplasticity, which basically describes your brain’s ability to change and adapt.
So, put this gratitude planner beside your coffee pot ( or by your bed at night if you so choose) and while your morning coffee is brewing, reflect on what you feel grateful for today.